"Curious why you're watching shows you apparently hate? Just wondering."

"I highly reccomend Tetris Attack for SNES. My personal favorite. Puzzle Quest is pretty great as well."

"Expected from a man named after the mighty suplexer of trains!"

"So happy to see this list! Kirby is arguably the most under appreciated franchise in gaming, imho."

"Curious why Shin Megami Tensei IV is on the list,it's not a remake? Maybe you were thinking of Devil Survivor:Overclocked?"

"You should, I'm always interested to compare notes with other people on how much time I've blown on games! I used to be a very hardcore completionist, but as I get older and more busy with other thing"

"I love this list idea, and look to promptly steal it, should my faulty memory allow."

"Arguably my favorite list on listal. I hope to one day be on it. Good stuff!"

"If we're talking smart shows, why not Through the Wormhole?"

"Noted, I'll move Psychonauts towards the top of the heap, I've always heard good things but been a little uncertain. Mother 3 sits very high on my priority list, I just want to go back and beat Earthb"

"Surprised at no Fire Pro Returns, I've spent more time on that game than most RPG's, and that's just time spent making every wrestler I could think of from around the world."

"You've only further increased my need to play Suikoden 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga...one day, one day. And a nod of approval on Valkyrie profile, such an under appreciated game."

"Love this list. I would have went more with a name like "Most Eccentric Japanese Game Designers", but they are indeed all bad asses and have all five fascinated me for some time now. Especially Kojima"

"Can't really agree on RE5 or Mass Effect, though I didn't love either, I didn't mind them either. I agree on the rest though. Especially Gears of War. I just don't get the fascination with that series"

"I can't agree on some of these, in fact a few are among my all time favorites. However, there are a few that appeared on my similar list and I'm always happy to see someone stand up and refuse to conc"

"Don't forget the old N64 Turok games, I know at least the third one did. I'm not really an FPS fan but I remember really enjoying those as a kid."

"I reccomend you give Munchkin, Gloom and Onirim all a chance, in that order. Judging from your list you would probably love them."

"Yup it's just a remake of the original Tengai Makyo 2 from PC Engine though. Have you played any of the series? They sound amazing but I don't know of any that have had so much as a fan translation."

"Really? That's surprising. He works mainly for michinoku pro. He had a short stint in mid 90's WWF as Hakushi and made a few appearances for ECW teaming with the Great Sasuke"

"I can totally appreciate this. I don't even like using strategy guides very much, there's just something cool about them that makes me buy them. I've even bought a guide for a game I didn't own just t"

"Going to have to mention JFK reloaded as a strong suggestion for this list. I played it in college with the excuse that I was "studying" for my paper on the Kennedy Assassination."

"See I thought AC2 and on all looked really good, which is why I want to give the original another chance so I can play through the whole series."

"I wanted so badly to love Odin Sphere, I was convinced it was going to go down as one of my all time faves, but after the first 8 hours or so it started feeling very repetitive and I sent it back to g"

"Can't say I agree on VIII, most people I know love it and I had a lot of issues with it, but a huge nod of agreement on Albert Oddysey, that game is far to under appreciated!"

"No worries, I considered that. In the end I just felt that KOF XI and XIII were different enough, as were SF3/AFA3/SSF4AE that it was acceptable. The only game that I really felt deserved to be in the"

"I'm glad I looked at this, I had no idea ASH had been translated! Consider me stoked!"

"Agreed. I loved five, I think it gets overlooked due to the story being kind of weak, but game play wise I think it may be the best in the series. Oh, and it introduced Gilgamesh. Enough said."

"You should definitely look to add Return Fire and Katamari Damacy's respective loading screens, two of my all time faves."