"1.Game of Thrones 2.The Office (US) 3.Community 4.Parks & Recreation 5.Arrested Development 6.30 Rock 7.Gurren Lagan 8.Soul Eater 9.Fargo 10.Doomsday Preppers"

"1.Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness (ROH, Unified) 2.Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels ( WWE, Wrestlemania 25) 3.Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega (NJPW, Wrestle Kingdom XI) 4.Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kazuchika"

"1.The Royal Tenenbaums 2.Fight Club 3.Southland Tales 4.Oldboy 5.Clockwork Orange 6.Scott Pilgrim vs the World 7.Army of Darkness 8.Spirited Away 9.Pan's Labyrinth 10.Braveheart"

"Southland Tales is absolutely a love it or hate it kind of movie. I've only met maybe 2 others who did, but they were both very passionate, as I am."

"Just an observation, I was wondering if maybe call of duty and call of duty modern warfare should be merged? Same for Rayman and Rayman origins"

"I'm emulating it myself, it's designed with a classic controller in mind and the dolphin emulator has come a long way, so it runs pretty smoothly."

"Excuse the faulty memory, throwing in votes for the mana series, warhammer 40k dawn of war, and shin megami tensei. Thought I had listed them but guess I didn't."

"katamari damacy fire pro wrestling mother final fantasy dragon quest street fighter guilty gear blazblue king of fighters persona devil survivor Super mario bros fallout baldur's gate metal gear cast"

"I was skeptical at first, but I keep hearing great things so I'm probably going to give it a shot "

"I was skeptical at first, but I keep hearing great things so I'm probably going to give it a shot "

"I got to play the first half hour or so and it seemed amazing. I've always meant to get back to it and play through the whole thing."

"Honestly? Not for me. U don't dislike the series, I've actually played four out of five of them, but I just don't enjoy them that much, I've never even completed one. Strange I know, considering my ad"

"If I might pitch in, my personal top ten goes: 10.Jinsei Shinzaki 9.Naomichi Marufuji 8.Masato Yoshino 7.Undertaker 6.Eddie Guererro 5.Skayde 4.Davey Richards 3.Mike Quackenbush 2.Chris Jericho 1.Dan"

"Hey, all I said is she's hottest. I think she's a gorgeous lady! Who do you think?"

"I must admit I'm curious who the omissions are? As for Danielson, obviously he can't work at the same rate her did in ROH etc. but I love his character progression and I think he has shown his quality"

"I'm really out of touch with puroresu to be honest. I used to avidly watch NJPW, AJPW, NOAH, Dragongate & DDT, but I've only watched the occasional big match that captures my attention on youtube for "

"Yeah, it's a hard list to make, the first 6 are damn near interchangeable. I too am stoked for the next big 3d mario game. Just imagining another jump in quality and innovation like they did on 64 or "